
A Radically New Approach

It is critical that every American learn the warning signs of a person on the pathway to violence ...

Webinar: Prevent Mass Shootings Now The Signs Are There

Webinar: Prevent Mass Shootings Now: The Signs Are There CHECK BACK FOR THE NEXT SEMINAR IN THE FALL ...

Enough is Enough

Why on earth did I start a mass shooting prevention program with zero knowledge in the field?  Because ...

In Person Seminar: The Signs Are There

Prevent Mass Shootings Now: The Signs Are There Thu, February 17, 2022, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PST ...

Averting Mass Attacks

The U.S. Secret Service studied 67 planned school attacks that were successfully prevented in the U.S. between 2006-2018 ...

What Isn’t Working: Active Shooter Drills

School shooters are school children.  They target their home and their school.  School shooters research vulnerabilities and rehearse ...