About Us
Mission: See The Signs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting public safety by providing free education on how to identify and intervene early with persons at risk for perpetrating mass shootings.
There is no one absolute profile of a mass shooter.
There is no way to accurately predict who will be a mass shooter, but the latest research definitively shows that there are commonalities among mass shooters and they experience similar crises prior to an attack giving us behavioral signs and opportunities to intervene.
There is no one absolute profile of a mass shooter.
There is no way to accurately predict who will be a mass shooter, but the latest research definitively shows that there are commonalities among mass shooters and they experience similar crises prior to an attack giving us behavioral signs and opportunities to intervene.
“In 81% of planned incidents [attacks], others knew about the attack ahead of time.”
U.S. Dept of Justice, FBI Violence Prevention In Schools, March, 2017
Red Flags
All too frequently, people don’t recognize the “red flag” signs and pre-attack behaviors mass shooters display in the weeks and months preceding an attack. If you know the signs you can save lives.
According to the latest research, mass shooters have several commonalities: they are most often the victims of childhood trauma; often the victims of severe bullying or marginalization; they are very often suicidal, in crisis, feeling hopeless; and filled with rage against a society they feel rejected them. For decades the focus has been on gun control legislation. Our focus is different. We believe that if you took away all the guns, mass shooters would use bombs or machetes. Prevent Mass Shootings Now is focused on the underlying root causes of their pain and anger.
To end mass shootings we need to focus on early identification, early intervention and getting potential attackers the help they need before they reach for a gun.
Lezlie Neusteter
Lezlie is the Executive Director and Founder of See The Signs . Lezlie has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) for 12 years with a focus on crisis intervention and forensic social work. Prior to creating See The Signs Lezlie worked in various clinical and correctional settings including the Department of Health and Human Services Homeless Bureau for the City of Long Beach, California; the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in San Diego, California; St. Charles Medical Center Psychiatric Department in Bend, Oregon; Deschutes County Adult Jail as a therapist; and as the Founder and Director of Central Oregon Forensic Social Work.